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Turn off the pop-up blocker on Google Chrome

Open the Chrome menu by clicking the button to the left of your Address bar. It is denoted with three stacked horizontal lines. Select Settings Click the “Show advanced settings” link Under the...

Symantec Endpoint Protection fails to install, rolls back and reboots

It pretends to install but has an internal error and rolls back, then has to reboot. Happens over and over. Uninstall completely, run the uninstall tool, and reboot. Open regedit and navigate to the key...

Symantec Endpoint Manager sem5.log is huge

In this case it was 65gb. I found it using SpaceMonger. Stop the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager and Symantec Embedded Database Service. Rename / Delete the current log Click Start, click on Run and...

Splitting one massive document into individual documents by page or by specific character

http://www.extendoffice.com/documents/word/966-word-split-document-into-multiple-documents.htmlThis page has a macro that will make individual pages out of one large document by looking for delimiters in...

Set up PTR record (Reverse DNS) for AT&T connections

If you need to set up a PTR record for an AT&T static IP, go to http://attis-dns.sbcglobal.net and fill out the form for reverse DNS from their server IP to their domain name (example: mail.domain.com or...