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Turn off the pop-up blocker on Google Chrome

Open the Chrome menu by clicking the button to the left of your Address bar. It is denoted with three stacked horizontal lines. Select Settings Click the “Show advanced settings” link Under the...

Reset password for License Administration Tool on Sage 100 v17 or lower

Get on to the machine that has the License Administration tool on it. Navigate to C:\MB7\ and rename the file named admin.config. After this is renamed, relaunch the License Administration Tool and set the...

Add an image to a Peachtree 2006 template

The image has to be in bitmap format in order to show up on a template. Open up the designer for the template and click on the “Object” button on the left side. Browse to the bitmap you want...

Excel files don’t open, instead an empty Excel screen opens

If you can use the File -> Open menu to open a file, but double clicking and opening the file from a folder never actually loads the file. Open a file through the file menu and go to Tools, Options,...

Disable security warning in IE when you allow EXE files to run automatically

If you need to allow exe files to run without be interrupted with a single click, you can allow that in the IE settings in security. However, IE will then freak out and make you click the home page every...

Remove Office 2013 license key

Open Command Prompt on PC. Open a Command Prompt window, and then take one of the following actions: If you installed the 64-bit version of Office 2013, move to the following folder: C:\Program...