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Force your print queue to clear in Microsoft Windows

While printing documents one after the other in Windows Vista / Windows 7, your print job may get stuck sometime. It could hang all the other jobs because Windows stores them in the print queue or spooler....

Get Windows version from command line

Open a command prompt by going to Run… and typing in “cmd”, hit enter Type in “ver” and hit enter, this will give you your Windows...

Get disk space on available drives using CMD

The following command can be used.wmic logicaldisk get size,freespace,caption Example output:Caption FreeSpace SizeC: 10293153792 42949668864D: 38401937408 74088181760E: 37109010432 ...

Hide shared folders from Remote Web Access (SBS)

Go to the share permissions. Easiest way is to go on the server, and go to //localhost showing a list of shares. Right click on the share you want to remove, go to sharing tab, advanced sharing button,...

.Net Framework 3.5 installation for Windows 8.1

Make sure Windows 8.1 setup files are on hand and type the following into command prompt when run as admin: Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:F:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess Change...

How to find the MAC Address of a network interface on Microsoft Windows

Windows XP: Go to Control Panel and find Network Connections Click on the Support tab The MAC addres will be listed under “Physical Address” in the resulting list. Windows 7+: Go to Network...