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Remove emails stuck in submission queue

There were 4 mail messages stuck in the Submission Queue within Exchange 2010. The four messages all pertained to the Journaling mailbox and related to Meeting Request. The messages stuck were causing a...

Delete a protected Organizational Unit from active directory

How to delete a protected OU Open active directory users and computers Go to View and enable Advanced Features Right click on the OU you want to delete that is protected from deletion Go to Properties,...

Exchange 2003 Out of Office does not send replies

To enable out-of-office reply messages to the Internet, follow these steps: Start Exchange System Manager. Double-click Global Settings, and then click Internet Message Formats. In the details pane,...

Script to return total number of enabled users in Active Directory

This script ran from a command prompt will present you a text file which can be opened in Excel that will list all ENABLED active directory users. Useful for quoting licenses. dsquery * -filter...

ExchangeStoreDB error 231 and MSExchangerepl error 3154 after removing Exchange 2003 manually from ADSI Edit

After deleting a reference to exchange 2003 manually I started getting these errors after the next reboot every 2 minutes: ExchangeStoreDB 231Log Name: ApplicationSource: ExchangeStoreDBDate: ...

Use the IIS Manager to edit web.config files

You can edit web.config through IIS instead of manually using notepad. If you haven’t had to do that yet, be glad but now you’ll know where it is. Go into the Internet information Services...