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Initialize new disk partition on Hyper-V Core

On the HyperV go to the command prompt Type diskpart, enter To view current disks, type list disk, enter To select the disk you wish to initialize, type select disk=1, enter Create the partition, type...

Install new roles and features to Hyper-V Core using PowerShell

Type get-windowsfeature to get a list and status of all installed features. Type install-windowsfeature featurename to install that role/feature to the...

New tool for managing Microsoft Hyper-V Core virtual machines

This new tool makes Hyper-V Core management incredibly easy. For the simplest install, download the manager on a graphical workstation and unzip the installer to a USB flash drive or transfer the file to...

Set a Virtual Machine’s automatic stop action from PowerShell

If you use a virtual machine on Hyper-V Core to manage the Hyper-V operating system, you cannot make changes to the virtual machine that require powering it off because you can’t access the Server...

Enable Remote Disk Management on Hyper-V Core OS

On the HyperV Core, under PowerShell run the following Enable-NetFirewallRule -name RVM-RPCSS-In-TCP,RVM-VDSLDR-In-TCP,RVM-VDS-In-TCP Configure-smremoting.exe -enable Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup...

After performing Physical to Virtual conversion, Virtual Machine will not boot due to Access Denied error

The VHDX file needs permissions for the VM GUID to access full control over the file. Essentially, copy down the VM ID. You can get this ID by hitting the “More” link on the error message that...