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Exchange 2007 Transport service keeps stopping

Email was down because the mail database needed to be mounted. Mount the database and then start the transport services. It started after a while but then would stop within seconds.

Error says

Log Name:      Application

Source:        MSExchangeTransport

Date:          2/25/2013 10:35:05 AM

Event ID:      17003

Transport Mail Database: An operation has encountered a fatal error. The database may be corrupted. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service is shutting down. Manual database recovery or repair may be required. Exception details: Microsoft.Exchange.Isam.IsamLogFileCorruptException: Log file is corrupt (-501)

at Microsoft.Exchange.Isam.?A0x630ae849.HandleError(Int32 err)

at Microsoft.Exchange.Isam.Interop.MJetInit(MJET_INSTANCE instance)

at Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Storage.DataSource.InitInstance()


  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\data\
  2. Change the folder “Queue” to something else, such as “Queue.old”.
  3. Start the transport service. It may do this automatically and make the folder by itself. Within a few minutes mail should start flowing.