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Exchange back pressure 2007/2010 causes exchange to stop receiving if there is low C drive space

This solution is only part of the fix, you must also plan ahead to delete or move files out of this drive so it doesn’t run out of space and completely corrupt and destroy the server. This fix will just...

Exchange 2010 GAL Segregation / Segmentation

Basically, this will separate the global address lists (GALs) in exchange 2010 SP2 so you can host multiple organizations and they won’t pick up each other. You must have Exchange 2010 SP2 or better,...

Exchange calendar events show as tentative even after clicking accept on mobile devices

A user would receive and accept meeting invites on his phone. Then he would go on his PC and click the meeting in the calendar to read the details. Then, back on the phone the meeting would move from...

Exchange 2010 Mailbox Databases are Corrupt

Problem: Exchange is down, mailboxes show dismounted, event viewer show a ton of logs including Event ID 9519, The following error occurred while starting database <database name>: Log file is...

Exchange mismatch internal server / Outlook popup / SSL certificate contains internal names

For those who don’t know, we can no longer use internal domain names like server.domain.local as of 2015. The people who manage SSLs decided that is no longer accepted. This poses a problem for many...

Exchange 2010 OWA shows a 500 error after login attempt

Verify that the service “Microsoft Exchange Forms-based Authentication service” is...